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Modernizing the UCLA Cut for Maximum Versatility

The Modern UCLA Cut Playbook delivers a carefully curated selection of 17 plays designed to generate scoring opportunities at every position. With one additional alternative entry featuring a UCLA counter move, this playbook provides multiple layers of options. It progresses beyond the basic UCLA Cut, incorporating advanced actions like double exits, floppy movements, low post isolations, cross screens, screen-the-screener actions, Spain pick-and-rolls, and more.
Spanning 9 pages and 46 diagrams, this playbook presents each play clearly with easy-to-understand diagrams and detailed text descriptions beneath every diagram, explaining execution, timing, and key reads. These plays have been tested in professional settings and refined to work against different defensive coverages, ensuring seamless integration into any offensive system. Whether you want to free up a low-post scorer, create open shots for shooters, or initiate pick-and-roll sequences, this playbook gives you a complete framework to build from.
Equip your team with a modern, tested approach to the UCLA Cut. Get the playbook today.